Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Caring for your skin!

Caring for your skin!

Our skin reflects our general health and well-being.  

It’s not only the largest organ in our body but it is also porous.  To demonstrate this rub a clove of garlic on your sole and within minutes you will taste garlic in your mouth.  Skin absorbs whatever it comes in contact with for both good and bad.
The following is information designed to assist you in making informed decisions when next you purchase skin care products and ultimately in the care of your skin. 

Cleansing your skin! (Step 1) Whether you use a liquid or hard bar, all soaps are made from fats/oils.  These can range from petroleum, animal or vegetable oils and they all have a different effect on the skin.  Synthetic surfactants, foaming agents, colours and synthetic fragrances are widely used in skincare products and can cause conditions ranging from mild skin irritations to cancer.  Non soap products are made of synthetic material.  The first step in skin care is to know what the ingredients are that make up your cleansing material.  

If you suffer from eczema, psoriasis or are just concerned about what you use on your skin choose a soap that is made from olive oil.  Olive oil soap, known as castile soap, has been around for over 1000 years.  Originally the preserve of Royalty and those that could afford it, is the mildest soap suitable for the most sensitive skin.  Olive oil soap has a unique property in that it cleans and moisturizes without aggravating the skin.  Soaps made of other oils and fats can be drying, irritating and if synthetic additives are used can be damaging. 

Most people like their cleansing agent to have a scent, unfortunately most scents are just synthetic fragrances.  Materials used in the formulation of fragrances are a closely held secret by skin care manufacturers.  What is known is that a number of commonly used fragrances cause conditions ranging from migraine to cancer.  If you like a scent in your skin care products choose one with a 'natural essential oil' that is also known to be beneficial for the skin.

A very important step in skin care, is to 'read the ingredient list', remember what your skin comes in contact with is absorbed into your body!

Moisturise Your Skin (Step 2) The skin needs to be both moisturised and nourished.  The best moisturising benefits or hydration come from a combination of emollients - ingredients that help prevent water loss, that soften and soothe the skin; and humectants - ingredients that attract water molecules to help keep the skin soft and supple.

Many people suffer from dry skin, the causes may be varied, for example air pollution, climatic conditions, salt and chlorinated waters, and also those with dry skin from birth.  As we age our skin tends to be dryer due to the loss of oil glands that help keep the skin soft.  
The winter months are notorious for causing dry skin problems.  All skins are different and those with problem skin will benefit from a good regime of moisturising their skin each day.
There are many commercial moisturises on the market, even if you choose one that is all natural it may not be suitable for you.  For example, aloe vera is renowned for its healing properties, yet there are those who have an allergy to it.  Finding the best moisturiser for you is like manna from heaven, remember to read the ingredients, ensure they are natural and if they work for you, stay with it.
Body Vitaliy Moisturising Cream

Nourishing your skin (Step 3) Step three in skin care is to keep the skin nourished and moist.  Whether it is due to external factors such as air pollution, climatic conditions, exposure to salt/chlorinated water or we just have dry skin from birth we need to moisturize and nourish our skin.  The wellbeing of our skin depends on diet but a lot also depends on what we apply to it directly.
Many people with sensitive skin suffer from very dry skin during the winter months.  The skin irritant during this time can be very painful.  Finding the right moisturizer during winter is vital to feeling comfortable and to skin health.

There are many commercial skin treatments available but with a little trial and error, finding the best treatment for dry winter skin is like manna from heaven.  The best approach is to review ingredients, ensure they are natural, and if they work for you, stay with it.  A mature skin will need extra care, especially those who have grown up in the drying, damaging Australian climate.  
Day Cream - Vital Replenishing Hydration
To take care of your face, use a very moisturizing and nourishing natural cream that penetrates your skin.  Applied at night to allow the natural cream to penetrate.  For day use a light natural cream can be applied to the face which allows make up to be applied on top.

A light lotion can be used for hands arms legs whenever dryness sets in.  However you choose to moisturize and nourish your skin ensure that the ingredients are natural.

Diet Step (Step 4)For those who have grown up in the Sydney area, may remember the painted sign on a building that said “We are what we eat”.  This is step four in skin care - your diet.  Drinking, smoking and eating too much acidic foods have a detrimental effect on the skin.  The choices you make in relation to your diet determine the health of your skin. 

Vitamin supplements are helpful but a natural supplement is the best.  Hemp seed oil contains all the 20 amino acids including 9 that the body is unable to produce but necessary for health.  In terms of vitamins it has A, B1, B2, B3, B6, D, E as well as calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorous, iron and zinc. Truly, a remarkable oil. Taken internally, the benefits to the skin are noticeable in a short time.

What to avoid in skin care ingredients (Step 5) - The fifth step in skin care is knowing what to avoid.  A lot of skin care products contain harmful ingredients which cause a wide range of conditions ranging from skin irritation to cancer.  

The top nine ingredients to avoid in skin care products are:

Synthetic colours
Sodium Laurel Sulphate
Sodium Laureth Sulphate

Step five in skincare is up to you, making informed choices when next you choose your skin care products.

OR Natural
We are dedicated to create a range of handmade skin care products that contain natural ingredients that clean, moisturise and nourish as nature has intended.  Check us out at, it could be your first step in your skin care.

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Skin Type?

Skin Type?

What type of skin do I have?

If you know your skin type then you can make the right choices on how to care for it!

Your skin has been determined for you by your parents.  It’s in your DNA!  So knowing your skin type will help determine the way in which you should care for it.

Different skin types are genetically determined but choosing the best skin care for your face and body is most important to care for your skin's health, slow down the ageing process and look after skin and body!

What type of skin do I have?

There are four basic skin types: normal, oily, dry and sensitive.  Blotting a clean tissue on your face in the morning is an easy way to find out your skin type. 

normal skin type has good circulation and there will not be any trace of sebum (or oil) on the tissue.  Normal skin is soft, smooth and has an even skin tone.

An oily skin type: the tissue will have oily blotches on the tissue, particularly from the cheeks, nose and forehead.  This type of skin is characterized by overactive sebaceous glands, producing more oil than you need.  Oily skin can be caused by a number of influences including hereditary factors, diet, hormone levels, pregnancy, unsuitable cosmetics and stress, leading to acne irruptions and enlarged pores.  It is important to thoroughly clean your skin on a regular basis with soap-free cleansers.

dry skin type has a low level of sebum and does not hold oil easily.  Dry skin is often flaky and feels tight after being wiped.  Gentle cleansing and a rich protective moisturizer for dry skin is essential to control that stretched, uncomfortable feeling.  It may be necessary to select various dry skin moisturizers for the changing conditions of the year.

A sensitive skin type means different things to different people.  It can be caused by skin conditions such as psoriasis, rosacea, eczema or allergies.  Sensitive skin can become exacerbated and irritated easily.  It is important to choose the right natural skin care regimes for sensitive skin.  Many cleansers and moisturizers may contain ingredients that can cause adverse reactions. 

And then there is a combination skin type oil, which is produced around the nose and forehead but not on the cheeks, mouth or eye areas.  The best natural skin care will involve a varied treatment in each region.

‘The Original Award Winning Olive Oil Soap’  

Remember … Natural is Best!  61-02-4998-8359

"OR Natural" Skin Care Solutions. Laguna, NSW Australia 2325.


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Monday, January 8, 2018

Swimming in a chlorinated pool!

Swimming in a chlorinated pool!

Summer is well and truly upon us 'down-under' and a time to laze by the backyard pool or swim in the local council pool.  Most backyard pools along with public swimming centers have clear waters to enjoy.  The waters in these pools are kept algae and bacteria free through the use of chlorine.  This is great but it also has a down side in that we are splashing around in diluted bleach.  Chlorine is not kind to the skin in fact it is an irritant causing dry flaky skin, rashes and in some cases a flare up of eczema.  It is important that after a swim in chlorinated water the skin is thoroughly washed, ideally with a mild goat’s milk soap and moisturized.

Summer is also a time to be vigilant in keeping our bodies hydrated.  Our bodies are composed of about 70% water it is therefore vital for good health that this balance is maintained.  If we do not drink enough water it disappears from our blood supply which leads to narrowing of vessels, high blood pressure, fatigue due to lack of oxygen and risk of strokes.  It also disappears from the intercellular space which leads to raised acidity levels, gout, kidney stones and lower immunity and finally it disappears from the cells themselves leading to higher cholesterol, reduced metabolism and accelerated aging.

We assume that we know when our body requires water, when we get thirsty, but it is not that simple. The older we get the less we feel thirsty, dehydration is a major problem in aging.  There are other signs that indicate we do not drink enough water.
  • Dry mouth, sugary drinks and alcohol are not the solution
  • Dry skin and premature aging
  • Dry eyes
  • Joint pains
  • Decrease in muscle mass
  • Fatigue due to lack of oxygen in the blood supply
  • Hunger pains
  • Digestive problems
  • Stay sick longer, toxins are not flushed out of the body
  • Dark urine
Maintaining the water balance in our bodies is vital for our health and wellbeing. Loss of water leads to a chain reaction of health issues and premature aging.  If you have read this far it’s probably a good idea that you drink a glass of water.  But first check the type of waster you are drinking.

If you live in Australia, the water supply has both chlorine and fluoride added. Both of which are detrimental to health.  Chlorine has been associated with bowl cancer, not surprising as it is diluted bleach.  Fluoride on the other hand is a poison, a bi product of the aluminium smelting industry.  We are told it is good for our teeth but we can get the same benefit just from toothpaste.  Fluoride has been banned from most countries for good reason; only Australia, UK, USA and Israel persist in adding this poison to the water supply.  Do yourself and your family a favour and invest in a water filter that removes both these toxic substances.  The investment will pay off with good health.

‘The Original Award Winning Olive Oil Soap’


Remember … Natural is Best!  61-02-4998-8359

"OR Natural" Skin Care Solutions. Laguna, NSW Australia 2325.


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