Wednesday, November 8, 2017



Dermatitis is a relatively common condition that can make you feel uncomfortable and self-conscious.

It is a term that describes inflammation of the skin and covers a range of conditions that have many causes and many forms.  

Dermatitis typically presents itself as an itchy rash on red or swollen skin.  Examples of dermatitis include atopic dermatitis (eczema), dandruff and rashes caused by contact with any of a number of substances, such as chlorinated water, harsh soaps or frequent hand washing due to occupation e.g. nurses and hair dressers often have issues with dermatitis on their hands.  

Jewellery with nickel in it can also cause irritation, there are many possible causes and sometimes sadly it is just genetic.

Seborrheic dermatitis is a common skin condition that mainly affects the scalp.  It causes scaly patches, red skin and dandruff.  It can also affect oily areas of the body and face.  In infants this is known as cradle cap.

While it is always sensible to seek medical advice, there are also many alternative therapies, which have helped some people manage their dermatitis.

These include:

·    Dietary supplements, such as vitamin D and probiotics, for atopic dermatitis
·    Rice bran broth (applied to the skin) for atopic dermatitis
·    Tea tree oil, either alone or added to your shampoo, for seborrheic dermatitis
·    Fish oil supplements for seborrheic dermatitis
·    Aloe Vera for seborrheic dermatitis

An essential for any dermatitis sufferer is to find a very gentle soap that firstly, does not aggravate their condition, and secondly ideally will help bring the skin into normal balance. 

‘The Original Award Winning Olive Oil Soap’


Remember … Natural is Best!

Body Moisturisers  61-02-4998-8359

"OR Natural" Skin Care Solutions. Laguna, NSW Australia 2325.


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Solve Your Wrinkle Problem!

Solve Your Wrinkle Problem!

Loose, wrinkly, ‘crepey’ skin: It’s the prominent reason women think they are getting older!

What can women do to make themselves look younger!  Women across Australia and the U.S. are using newly discovered natural ingredients that are less expensive to firm up and tighten sagging skin caused by the aging process.  And they are using them in the comfort of their homes and not spending fortunes on unnecessary and expensive surgeries.

Skincare specialists acknowledge that remedial surgery and the risk of scarring are not only unnecessary but dangerous.  Today premier scientific discoveries and medical developments are providing amazing outcomes at a fraction of the cost and reducing the unnecessary risks of hurtful surgical procedures.

To address these concerns dermatologists always suggest invasive and expensive surgical procedures as solutions. They continuously recommend painful procedures such as chemical peels, laser treatments and injections.  There are more temperate and benign alternatives to choose from!

The science behind our methods and products rests in our natural micro emulsions, natural emulsifiers & thickeners, humectants, and other natural skin care ingredients. These are used to provide stable, effective skin care treatments to combat the aging process that are biologically gentle on the body, creating soothing, lasting effects safely and at a much lesser cost!


‘The Original Award Winning Olive Oil Soap’


Remember … Natural is Best!  61-02-4998-8359

"OR Natural" Skin Care Solutions. Laguna, NSW Australia 2325.

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