Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Cracked Heels

Cracked Heels 

Potentially a Dangerous Condition

Cracked heels are painful yet easily prevented.  They are caused by a build-up of hard skin around the heals and if allowed to build up over time the hard skin can no longer flex with the pressure of walking and cracks and splits the tender skin below.  This is not only painful but the split is an open wound exposed to infection.

The prevention to this painful and potentially dangerous condition is to simply file away the hard skin build up with a pumice stone. This should be done on regular bases to prevent the build-up of hard skin prone to cracking. After filing with pumice stone the exposed new skin is flexible and able to flex while standing and walking.

Dry skin is attributed to the cause of hard skin in the first place. It’s therefore important to keep the heels moisturised and for this purpose a balm would be idea.

 Dry Skin Intensive Balm  61-02-4998-8359

OR Natural Skin Care Solutions. Laguna, NSW Australia 2325.


Skin Cancer: a Personal Journey

Skin Cancer:  a Personal Journey

Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC) - Skin Cancer

I had my first skin cancer at 26.  A basal cell carcinoma (BCC) one of the good ones; annoying but not dangerous.  Because of my age, my Dermatologist recommended I have about 6 moles removed as a precaution.  Wise advice as it was discovered one of them was turning cancerous.

I had an idyllic childhood, my grandfather lived by the water at Sawtell.  His was one of the few houses that overlooked the ocean and the sand was only about 4 metres from his front steps.  Every holiday was spent there, swimming, exploring rock pools and running around playing games with my cousins.  

When all the family was there my father spent all his time rock fishing. He died of melanoma cancer.  There are some excellent treatments available for melanoma cancer today but not so when my father was ill.

I experienced severe blistering sunburn on a regular basis as a child.  My mother used to chase me with the zinc cream and a hat but I could run very fast.  My second BCC occurred about 10 years later and about 10 years after that I started having one or two removed every few years. This is ongoing.

My first squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) somewhat more nasty than a BCC was located on the end my nose.  Unfortunately within a centimetre of the SCC was a BCC. So a big chunk of my nose had to go and I am grateful that my Plastic Surgeon was an excellent one.

There are so many good sunscreen products available today and I take heart when I see small children at the beach with their hats on, their sun protective clothing and their parents often applying sunscreen.  Precaution is everything and protecting the young must be the mission of every parent.

For information on skin cancers visit the Cancer Council at  61-02-4998-8359

"OR Natural" Skin Care Solutions. Laguna, NSW Australia 2325.

‘The Original Award Winning Olive Oil Soap’
