Thursday, October 19, 2017

Ultra-Rich Repair Cream

Ultra-Rich Repair Cream

Natural Skin Creams

After 10 skin cancers, 6 of which were on my face and over 12 months on vitamin B3, I decided to develop a cream for my personal use that was rich in B3 and antioxidants as well as nourishing ingredients to feed my very dry skin.

I have only been using this cream for a few months but really love it on my skin.  I haven’t had a skin cancer on my face now for over 12 months but that may be due to the B3 vitamin regime.  I have had two others (shoulder and back) however as BCCs (Basil Cell Carcinoma) are slow growing they could have been underway before I started the Vitamin B3.  Irrespective of BCCs, keratosis have also been a problem on my face, with scaly and/or thickened areas of skin.  These also seem to have reduced since using my cream.  I certainly have noticed that no new ones have formed and I have learned to be vigilant. 

A very rich, moisturising and nourishing face cream combined with anti-oxidants and vitamins including Vitamin B3.  This cream is designed to benefit a dry mature skin as well as those with sun-damaged skin and a predisposition to skin cancers. The cream aids the skin in looking younger and more supple.  The Vitamin B3 assists in the reduction of non-melanoma cancers.

My comments are anecdotal, a study of one and therefore definitely inconclusive, however I recently gave samples away and am hoping to receive feedback from others.  I continue to research ingredients that act as antioxidants, which are good for the skin and which may have some action in helping to prevent skin cancers.  The ultimate principle is that the ingredients must be natural.

In addition to this regime, I have increased the number of leafy greens and berries in my diet. Tackling my problems both inside and out.  I think this is also helping and I recommend this approach to others.

For more information on the benefits of Vitamin B3 visit the NSW Cancer Council website and for those with a history of skin cancers, your routine visit to the doctor for a skin check is still essential.

Ingredients: Water, Glycerine, Aloe Vera, Marine Collagen, Green Tea Extract, Hemp Seed Oil, Milk Thistle Oil, Argan Oil, Pomegranate Oil, Rosehip Oil, Jojoba Butter, Olive Emulse, Ceatyl Stearyl Alcohol, Leucidal, Phytocide Elderberry  61-02-4998-8359

"OR Natural" Skin Care Solutions. Laguna, NSW Australia 2325.

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