Welcome to the 'Autumn Newsletter' from 'OR Natural'
'So you can see the fine print' |
We are moving into a period
of cooler weather from what has been a dry scorching summer. This summer has not been kind and has
reinforced to need to slip on a shirt,
slap on sunscreen and slap on a hat.
In this edition our focus is on what
we put in and on our body. There are four pillars upon which
our health and wellbeing rests.
- A clean mind, consciousness and positive mentality
- Clean water (free of pollutants; including fluoride and chlorine)
- Clean air (free of pollutants)
- Natural and nutrient rich food with a balanced pH
If one of the four pillars is out of
balance our overall health and wellbeing is compromised and will eventually
affect our mind and body. In a previous newsletter 'Summer Newsletter' we wrote about the importance of clean water,
we will now 'zoom in' on what we put in and on our bodies. This includes what we rub into our skin. Our skin absorbs what is comes in contact
with; this is how nicotine patches work.
While our skin protects our internal body it is also permeable.
Rather that bore you with a lot of
text, we’ll put the onus back onto you. If you want to zoom in on what you are putting
in and on your body, look at the ingredients. They are always in small print. Do a search as to what these ingredients are
and what effects they have on your health. You may be surprised as to what you find!
For the first 30 people in Australia
who contact us, (via our contact form on our web site www.ornatural.com.au) will receive in the post a free magnifying glass. This magnifying glass can conveniently be
carried in a purse or pocket when next you go shopping, the first step in
awareness of what we put in and on our body.
Take responsibility for your health
and wellbeing, become an informed consumer.
‘FiveSteps for Healthy Youthful Skin’
Luxury Skin Care, Handmade Olive Oil Soap, Anti-Aging Creams,
Soap for Babies and for Sensitive Skin Conditions
…. and all, Chemical and Preservative Free!
Remember … Natural Skin Care is Best!
‘The Original Award Winning Olive Oil Soap’
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OR Natural Skin Care Solutions.
Laguna, NSW Australia 2325
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